Wendi represents the area of Brewood, Coven and Blymhill – which also includes the villages of Coven Heath, Four Ashes, Bishops Wood, Weston-Under-Lizard, Brineton and Orslow. She has lived in Brewood for the last 28 years and has served as a Conservative Parish Councillor for eight years and a Conservative District Councillor for the last ten years.
She is currently the Deputy Chairman Membership & Finance of the exciting new Central Staffordshire Conservative Federation. Her priority is to encourage new members to join and become active in what is an extremely interesting time in politics – both locally and nationally.
As a retired Police Officer, married with one grown-up daughter and shortly due to become a first-time grandmother, Wendi works as futures and HR Consultant for a series of business’s as well as carrying out her duties as a local Conservative District Councillor.
She undertakes the roles of Volunteer Coordinator for Brewood Community Managed Library, Chairman of the Brewood Parish Sports Association, Former Chair of the South Staffordshire Licensing and Regulatory Committee, a member of the South Staffordshire Planning Committee and runs the Brewood job club.
Her priority for Staffordshire is to campaign for more protection of our Green Belt, ensure our villages remain vibrant and further the aims of the national and local Conservative Party.
She can be contacted on: -
Email- [email protected]
Phone – 01902 851682.